About me
programmer by day, still a programmer by night! with a little system administration sprinkled into the mix
a little bit of a philanthropist and willing to learn new things every now and then
see some of my creations (hobby tools and full-blown games) on my projects page!
I program games and tools
- 10+ years of interest in the field of programming (total)
- 3 years of educational experience
- 3 years of art school education
(drawing, painting, practice, composition and history) - anecdotal experience from a released game,
MMC Zombies Project (2017-2021) on Roblox
Language capabilities
- system utility and backends for APIs:
- Java, NodeJS, Python, C & Rust - scripting languages:
- Lua, GDScript - on the web:
- svelte, Vue.js, TypeScript & JavaScript (do i need to specify CSS and HTML?)
Other capabilities
- Blender for modelling, materials and animating
- Godot & Roblox Studio for making games in an IDE
- Krita, GIMP & Inkscape for illustrations, texturing or vector graphics work
- E-mail: msaa@miyaow.net
- Matrix: @miyaow:matrix.miyaow.net
- Github: 4xMSAA
Some personal philosophies and hobbies
i'm very in favour of libre and open source projects and i prefer user freedom on all my devices (especially Linux/BSD for personal computing). i got some strong opinions about how the world has been built to monopolize by taking away those freedoms, but that's probably a topic for some future blog page...
games are kind of a gray area when it comes to "freedom" though (in my opinion)... kinda like
movies, music, art, y'know. but that's no excuse for it to be doing the worst practices for a
legitimate custome---
blehhh, let's get to what i wanted to say:
i'm a huge nerd for Factorio and
OpenTTD - i just love train networks and logistics!
i also own a Valve Index headset for VR purposes, mostly spending time in
okay, aside video games, i do have some background and education in art (3 years), i'm fascinated by mechanical engineering behind guns (i love shooting them, too!) and preferrably repair my devices and furniture to breathe more life into them... it's a shame to throw them away when they could still work, don't you think?